Thursday, May 3, 2007

Al shouldnt break the alliance of 14 party. Beacuse after forming goverment The Gov. will have to face a lots of problem. Why AL will take all these problems to its shoulder. It wont be wise to go in power alone for AL.
But Dr.Kamal Hossain Is intellectually dishonest i think. He has done everything just to reach power. I am in Doubt whether he is involve in the conspiracy creating Barr against SK.Hasina to co0me back bangladesh.Yet this Govt didnt take any action against JAMAT.If SK.Hasina in trouble then Younous & JAMAT's road will be clear . Its quite tuff Dr.Kamal Hosssain doesent understand this. Then why he is doing this, conflict with SK.Hasina in Broad day light ??

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